
IPL PHOTOFACIAL Therapy in Windermere, FL


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, also referred to as a photofacial or photorejuvenation, or IPL Photofacial, can improve the tone and texture of your skin without significant recovery or downtime. This treatment is ideal for evening out skin tone that has been damaged by the sun, healing visible redness from vessels, capillaries and rosacea. The Lumenis IPL is a safe, effective treatment.

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IPL Photofacial treatments use short bursts of high-intensity light energy below the skin’s surface. This light energy helps to destroy the melanin that is responsible for age spots and skin discolorations, it also addresses the visible broken capillaries. While doing all of this the IPL Photofacial also helps boost collagen production in the skin.

IPL Photofacial treatments are gentler than laser resurfacing procedures, and do not require downtime following a treatment. IPL Photofacial is a comfortable procedure for the majority of patients, however, some do notice mild discomfort during their treatment. While there may be some variance depending on the area to be treated and amount of correction that’s needed, treatment sessions take approximately half an hour.


Because the IPL Photofacial treatment is minimally invasive and not an aggressive treatment, Dr. Parbhu recommends a series of treatments which usually consist of between four and six sessions spaced a month apart, with a maintenance treatment every six months.

The number of treatments will vary depending on your specific appearance goals and how your skin reacts to the treatment. You may see a change in your skin right as soon as your first treatment. Directly after treatment your brown spots will become darker and you may have some redness or swelling. This can be covered by makeup. Brown spots should lighten or slough off within two weeks and the redness and swelling should subside within a day or two. Your skin will gradually improve in appearance with each session.


What is it?

The Lumenis® IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatment enables your physician to greatly improve your skins appearance by reducing pigmentation & redness of the skin while at the same time treating acne lesions.

The unique Lumenis IPL technology utilizes light flashes over the treated area, triggering biochemical response that will eventually eliminate the bacteria within the pores. IPL is a non-invasive solution on inflammatory acne with less collateral effects than oral medication. When using IPL for pigmentation and redness, the light penetrates the tissue and is absorbed by either the blood when treating vascular lesions or the melanin when treating pigmented lesions damaging them. The body's natural processes then remove the injured tissue giving the skin a more even and youthful appearance.

Is It right for me?

Lumenis energy-based treatments are not suitable for everyone and carry some risks. IPL for acne is not suitable when you have active viral or fungal skin conditions or skin cancer. Risks may include: redness, swelling and change of pigmentation. Be sure to consult with your treatment provider before choosing this treatment.

How does it work?

IPL is one of the most commonly administered form of light therapy in dermatological applications. IPL systems are designed to deliver many rapid, highly intense and controlled pulses of light – the controlled pulsing prevents thermal damage to your skin and minimizes discomfort. IPL technology treats your acne with specific wavelengths of light targeting bacteria in the skin, as well as inflamed sebaceous glands that contribute to break-outs. IPL energy (at various wavelengths) is also used to selectively destroy pigment clusters, blood-filled capillary veins, or hair, depending on the intended nature of the treatment.

The treatment

To ensure utmost comfort, your physician should apply cold coupling gel on the treatment area. Depending on your specific concern, you can expect the session to last 15-20 minutes. You may experience a warm sensation as the light is applied to the skin, but the treatment is gentle and should not feel uncomfortable.

What should I expect?

When will I see results?

During the Lumenis IPL treatment, short pulses of intense light are emitted from an applicator onto your skin. The light penetrates through various skin layers and helps eliminate acne bacteria, pigmentation &/or vascular lesions. Depending on the severity of what you are trying to treat, it may take typically 4-6 sessions with a recess of 4 weeks in between treatments to see improvement on your skin.

What can I expect after treatment?

Immediately following treatment, you may experience some redness, depending on your customized treatment settings. The redness will usually disappear within a few hours. In most cases, makeup may be applied immediately, and daily activities can be resumed the very same day.

Your physician may advise you to stay out of direct sun for a few days following the treatment and to apply sun screen regularly.

Why treat your skin with IPL?

  • It is a gentle treatment that addresses both pigmentation and redness of your skin as well as the p.acne bacteria that causes acne lesions.
  • It’s a fast “lunch-time” treatment with no downtime and less side effects than oral medication
  • Improve your skin appearance and gain your confidence back with just a few treatments

Post care instructions:

  • Immediately after the treatment, there may be some redness and swelling. You may use cool compresses/cold packs.
  • Blisters may form on the treated site, this is normal. Apply the recommended antibiotic ointment to help assist skin healing.
  • Gentle cleansing of the skin with tepid water or non-soap gentle cleansers followed by pat drying prior to reapplying any topical.
  • Avoid heat, skin irritants.
  • Do NOT rub or scratch the skin.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 4-6 weeks on the treated site. Sunscreen must be used daily while undergoing treatments after skin has re-epithelialized.
  • Do not tweeze, wax or use a depilatory in the treated area during the course of treatment.
  • Do not pick scabs as this may lead to scarring.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise for 2-3 days.
  • Avoid hot showers, saunas, hot tubs and skin treatments until the skin is back to normal.
  • Please inform our office of any new diagnoses or changes in your medications prior to each treatment.

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